Thursday, September 2, 2010


Tshirt Design (Front):

Tshirts are ready for pick up at Saturday's game on 9/25/10.  Thanks, Coach

We will be ordering T-shirts for parents and supporters from a new vendor next week. The T-shirts cost is $8 and includes your player's number and standard verbiage on the back, e.g. Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, Grandma.  If you would like to personalize the verbiage on the back that is an additional $1.50 e.g., Jake's Mom, etc.

The shirt will be black and the front of the shirt will say Rockies Tball. The back of the shirt will designate your player's number. Please turn in your cash no later than Saturday, September, 4th for your order.

Please designate the following:

T-Shirt Size: (Adult/Youth S,M,L,XL)
Quantity of shirts:
Player's Number:
Wording on back: 

Please email your order to: Again if your money is not received by 9/4/10 your order will not be placed.

Thank you,

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